When you own an agency, being cheaper doesn’t mean better. It normally leads to getting the wrong clients. Clients with little money to begin with often become our largest headaches.

We are all guilty of trying to be everything to everyone. But the truth is, if you want to succeed in business, you need to learn to say no more often than you say yes – especially when it comes to clients. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary if you want to create a thriving business that allows you to live the life you want.
Get Clear About Your Agency’s Ideal Client
The first step is to get clear on who your ideal client is. Once you know who your ideal client is, it becomes much easier to say no to the wrong clients and yes to the right ones.
Remember, you don’t have to work with everyone who comes your way.
Your Agency Has What the Client Needs, Solutions
It is important to remember that we are doing sales calls not to beg clients to work with us. We have what the client needs. We have solutions.
If you are having a hard time saying no, remember this:
“No” is a complete sentence. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for why you are saying no. Just be polite and firm in your response.
How Your Digital Marketing Agency Can Free Up Time
Saying no to the wrong clients frees up your time and energy so that you can say a resounding yes to the right clients – the ones who will value your time, respect your expertise, and pay you what you’re worth.
The bottom line is that you need to learn to say no more often if you want to create a thriving business. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary if you want to build a successful agency.
If you would like to be a part of a community of agency owners on a mission to build wildly successful businesses, contact the Done For You Agency program now.